Current news and information about the life of our company.
Patika Plus (Pharmacy Plus) with modern customer management
Patika plus Patikák, another pharmacy network joined the ever-increasing group of pharmacies using the Q-FUSION customer calling-management and information provision system.
Standardised CFM system at NKM customer services
At the end of 2019, a project was initiated to standardise the CFM system of Nemzeti Közművek (National Public utilities, FŐGÁZ, DÉMÁSZ, GDF Suez, and DÉGÁZ).
Renewed offices of the administrative regions in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
By autumn two administrative regions had gotten their offices refurbished in the county.
Preparation for the schoolyear, customer management exam passed with the highest grade
Preparing for the invasion of students due to enrol in September, Pázmány Péter Catholic University got its obsolete customer management system replaced.
Market leader in district heating public utility supply and in customer service
FŐTÁV Plc opened the newest customer service office in Budapest.
Developing BKK customer service centres
This year in two venues, in Rákosmente and Csepel new BKK customer service centres were launched.
New, modern HUAWEI service points with customer management
Relying on their previous positive experience as a reference, HUAWEI Hungary commissioned our company to establish the customer management tasks of their latest Experience Service Store.
New customer calling system in the Consulate General of Hungary in Ungvár (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, Transcarpathia)
Based on our presentations of the last couple of years, the General Consulate decided to replace its obsolete customer calling system for the Q-FUSION integrated CFM system.
Q-FUSION Integrated CFM system in the ticket offices and customer service offices of MÁV-START Plc.
In December 2018, this modern solution got implemented in 13 venues countrywide at MÁV-START Plc. Owing to the project, besides central operation, a modern customer management and information provision system was introduced.
Early autumn development in the local authorities' customer management
At the end of summer before the seasonal autumn customer invasion in the office, numerous local authorities developed their customer management culture.
Modern customer management in the Students' Customer service offices at ELTE Quaestura
Before the autumn term starts, the Students' Customer service office of ELTE Quaestura has moved to a new place.
Smart solutions in Smartphone Hungary Ltd.’s shop
Nowadays it is not unusual that a mostly on-line trade company has a personal customer service place for keeping in touch with their clients besides letting them collect the items ordered in person. Smartphone Ltd is not an exception to the rule.
Summer has arrived, outdoor restaurants buzz with life
As summer is coming, outdoor catering places are at their most vibrant. Delivering prepared dishes creates a problem for quite a few restaurants that can be solved with our Q-CALL customer calling solution.
Another county public utility service provider got its customer service culture modernised with a MULTIMEX solution
In March 2018 Fejérvíz Plc got its old customer management replaced with the new, modern Q-FUSION integrated CFM system.
Developing public administration with top MULTIMEX solutions
The public administration institutions in quite a few counties got renewed, in accordance with the government's guidelines, where the Government Offices put more emphasis on improving the level of customer service.
Maximum CFM solution at the central customer service of Intrum
Intrum, part of a market-leader winding up group in Europe, got its CFM system completely renewed. The earlier version of Q-FUSION integrated system used was extended.
New, up-to-date customer service counter in Auchan Store in Budaörs
Auchan store in Budaörs was the first place in Hungary to establish a customer service that meets all requirements.
Modern customer management in the HUAWEI service in Austria
It is an outstanding award for us that in recognition of the positive Hungarian experience, HUAWEI decided on getting the Q-FUSION Integrated CFM system installed in their latest service centre in Vienna.
Smart solutions at the smart points in Media Markt
Media Markt, our partner, has installed our wireless customer calling solutions in their smart counters.
The first satisfied customer in the customer service office of DMRV
To fulfil the legal obligations regarding customer satisfaction, this regional utility service provider got Q-FEEDBACK introduced.