Maximum CFM solution at the central customer service of Intrum


Intrum, part of a market-leader winding up group in Europe, got its CFM system completely renewed. The earlier version of Q-FUSION integrated system used was extended.

Their previous ticket issuing machines were upgraded to MXTP-22 touchscreen ticket issuing machines. The Q-TIMER appointment scheduler module was introduced so that their customers would have the opportunity to arrive at the customer service office on time. Regarding the fact that their customers' opinion is invaluable for them, it was a logical step to introduce our Q-FEEDBACK satisfaction evaluating system, for the installation of which our network-based professional MXLG-10 satisfaction evaluating device was procured by the company. By introducing these features, the Q-FUSION integrated CFM system got totally utilised. The maximum of customer service, the “customer experience” can be provided by applying our customer calling, multimedia, and appointment scheduler and satisfaction assessment solutions.


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