The HEBIR programme, the new healthcare programme of Hegyvidéki Önkormányzat (Hegyvidéki Local Authorities)


As the first step of the programme, the Q-FUSION patient calling, information and appointment scheduler system was first introduced in the Böszörményi street surgery of Hegyvidék Egészségügyi Központ (Hegyvidék Healthcare centre).

The system enables the locals of the district to make appointments to their GP (general practitioner) and to their paediatrician, as well as to the so called “health advisory” service of their paediatrician and health visitor (in Hungary immunization and children's development follow up examinations have designated surgery hours only for healthy kids). MXTP-10 touchscreen ticket issuing machines and MXLCD-32 LCD displays enable civilised patient management and information dissemination in the surgery.


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