Collection point based free disposal city-wide clean-up, waste disposal in junkyards by using the Q-TIMER 3.0 appointment scheduler application
Our Q-TIMER 3.0 appointment scheduler and online queue ticket requesting application successfully proved another implementation.
In September 2020 FKF Plc started the rescheduled annual free disposal city-wide clean-up in the districts of Budapest, which had to be put off owing to the COVID pandemic in a different form, as a collection point-based clean-up. The company had been looking for a solution that avoids accumulating crowds, by scheduling appointments for the customers. Our company offered its Q-TIMER system, the application that has been successfully used in their personal customer services. By upgrading the system and branding the application with FKF colours and supplementing it with tailor-made functions, as well as making it mobile friendly. The system introduced, based on the last couple of weeks' experience and feedback, has passed the pilot phase with excellent results!
Appointment scheduler at FKF Plc: